As one way of empowering the youth, government has reiterated its commitment to construct community technical colleges in all 193 constituencies.

Replying to oral questions in Parliament, Minister of Labour, Skills and Innovation Martha Lunji Mhone said government plans to equip the country’s young people with innovative skills in various fields.

Lunji Mhone said that resources need to be shared across in order to reach out to the intended communities as beneficiaries.

“It is the wish of the Ministry to roll out community colleges to every constituency in Malawi but the only limiting factor could be resources, you are aware there are several ministries across, and as such resources have to be shared,” Mhone said.

According to the Labour Minister, government will soon embark on a process of identifying all graduates such that they are provided with loans.

“We need to do a proper research in order to find out who have been graduated and are just staying idle so that maybe the Ministry should take an action on how we can assist these youth to access loans in order for them to start their own businesses,” added Mhone.

Meanwhile, government has so far constructed 28 community technical colleges nationwide aiming at training the country’s youth in vocational skills in order to employ themselves and create jobs for others.

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