A lone thief left a handwritten confession letter in a church in Nyandarua County, Kenya after walking away empty handed in a Sunday night burglary.

The thief tore a hole through the iron sheets walls of the church but found the day’s offerings missing.

He claimed to have been sent by a member of the church.

In the letter addressed to ‘fellow Christians’, the thief regretted to have found nothing in the church despite being informed by a church member that some good money had been left there.

“Dear my fellow Christians, first and foremost good morning. I was sent here by one of your fellow Christians who told me that the amount of money has been kept inside the church. but I got nothing. God bless you all and pray for me, thanks,” read the letter.

He then signed off as “letter from the person who broke the church.”

The church priest Reverend Peter Wanyoike said there was some money in the church but which has since gone missing after the incident.

“We found the letter in the church when the police arrived to start their investigations. We believe there was some money in church. We have forgiven him, we are praying for him to get saved, he is welcome to confess and worship with us,” said Rev Wanyoike.

The message of forgiveness was supported by residents and clergy.

“What shocks us most is the confession letter. He had all the time to rampage all over the church looking for the money and write the confession letter, in his own handwriting. He must have attended the church or has an informer, maybe it is only the timing that was wrong. He needs prayers,” said Faith Wairimu, a resident.

Ms Alice Wambui termed the incident as unique, adding that the criminal is on his way to accepting Jesus.

Nyandarua Police Commander Mr Gedion Ngumi said police have started investigations.

The incident comes months after area residents lynched three suspected criminals who targeted churches.

The three were lynched at a local market, less than ten kilometers from Engineer town where the latest incident happened on Sunday.

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