In Kenya, a 59 –year-old man is fighting for his life at a local hospital after he was seriously injured by a gang that invaded his house on Sunday night.

The victim (name withheld) was clobbered on the head with blunt objects by the gang members who also raped his wife in turns at the sitting room after dragging her from the bedroom.

Confirming the incident to media, acting Chief Jane Atieno said the thugs raided the home at midnight and moved straight to the bedroom where they assaulted the man.

He added; “After the attack the suspects left the man lying unconscious in the bedroom and forcefully took his wife to the sitting room where they raped her.”

She said the criminals later moved to another house belonging to the couple, broke in and stole unknown number of chicken before disappearing.

The police officers have launched a manhunt for the criminals.

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