Former president Jacob Zuma says his life was threatened after he appeared before the state capture inquiry for the first time on Monday.

Before proceedings could start on Tuesday, Zuma informed deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo that his personal assistant received a call on Monday night.

“Yesterday night between 7pm and 8pm, my PA from the ANC side was phoned by a person she does not know.

“This person said she must tell Zuma that we are going to kill him and his children and some people around him. She informed me this morning,” Zuma said.

He claimed that his legal representative, Advocate Muzi Sikhakhane, also received threats on his life recently.

“. . . Also, my senior counsel (Sikhakhane), this follows threats that have been made to him, very serious ones as well. A short while ago, about a week ago, we received that,” Zuma said.

On his arrival at the judicial commission of inquiry on Tuesday, his supporters inside the venue were slightly more subdued compared to day one, but still clapping for him as he walked in.

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