First Discount House (FDH) Financial Holdings Limited Chief Executive Officer Dr. Thom Mpinganjira has come out of his cocoon to trash rumours hovering on the social that he is being positioned to succeed President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leadership for2024, saying the rumours are untrue.

Mpinganjira said this during a media briefing held on Tuesday in the commercial capital Blantyre.

“I have never discussed with President Mutharika on matters to do with succeeding him. I have never been involved in politics and I hold no ambitions to participate in politics,” said Mpinganjira.

He also trashed rumours that he is bankrolling the ruling DPP, adding that people from both the ruling and opposition political parties have approached him to join politics but he turned them down.

“There are those that believe I can run this country better because I run this bank. They have even approached me to lure me into politics, but I have always told them that God gifted me to do business and not politics,” he said.

Mpinganjira also denied allegations that FDH bank gets lion’s share of government businesses, saying the news is untrue.

“FDH Bank does not have monopoly of Government business. Infact, out of the top five banks in the country, FDH is the least holder of Government accounts. This fact can be verified with the office of Accountant General,” he said.

Meanwhile Mpinganjira has disclosed that he will sale 30 percent shares of FDH bank to ordinary Malawians by June next year.

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