Police in Lilongwe are keeping in custody a woman, Hawa Jonathan, 20, for allegedly stabbing to death her boyfriend, Peter Chapata, 27.

According to Deputy Public Relations Officer for Central Region Police Headquarters, Inspector Patrick Kasauka, the incident happened at Area 24 in Ngwenya on Sunday.

“The two had been in a relationship for some time and had a child together. It is alleged that Chapata was not supporting the child as expected and the suspect had been frying floured chips (Zigege) as away of supporting herself and the child.” he explained.

Kasauka said on the fateful day, Chapata who was in company of another lady was passing by a place where the suspect plies her trade when a fight began.

“A quarrel ensued between the two such that it ended in a brawl. In the process, Jonathan stabbed Chapata four times on the chest and arm with a knife she was using to peel Irish potato,” he added.

Kasauka said Chapata sustained a deep wound on the left chest and another serious cut on the arm as a result of the stabs and was taken to Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) where he was pronounced dead before receiving treatment.

Jonathan comes from Kalumba village, Traditional Authority (TA) Tsabango in Lilongwe.

She will soon be taken to court to answer the charge of murder as stipulated in section 209 of the penal code.

The Police are pleading with people to seek better ways of resolving disputes such as reporting issues troubling them to police, rather than taking the law into their hands.

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