A 59-year-old Zambian teacher was shot dead by unknown people at his home in Kalomo of Southern Province.

The victim has been identified as Benson Muyabi, a Head teacher at a local primary school.

Police Public Relations Officer Esther Mwaata Katongo has told Mwebantu that this occurred on Wednesday, 17th July, 2019 at around 20:00 hours at his house at Monde Basic School in Kalomo.

“Acting on the report Police rushed to the scene of crime and confirmed the report and that the same was shot dead at the time he just arrived home from drawing water with his motor vehicle. The same is believed to have happened at the time the deceased was locking his motor vehicle. He sustained wounds on the back and head. The type of firearm used is not yet known.” She said.

She added that the body is in clinic mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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