United Transformation Movement (UTM) on July 21 celebrated the UTM day as the party has clocked one year since its establishment last year.

UTM was launched on July 21 at Masintha ground in Lilongwe.

The one year anniversary celebration of the party was held at Ntcheu old bus depot in the district.

Speaking at the rally the party’s president Saulos Chilima said the party is committed to achieve what it promised Malawians since the birth of UTM.

Chilima continued by saying that it is only UTM that has the vision top transform Malawi to be a better country conducive for all.

“It is UTM that knows the problems this country is going through. And it is me and you who can change Malawi,” he said.

In his remarks the party’s patron Noel Masangwi gave history of where the party is coming from.

According to Masangwi UTM is the only party that has taken the hearts of many because of its resounding promises.
“when things went sour in this country due to the failing government that we had and is still today chiefs approached us to find someone better who could rescue Malawi. Chiefs saw a leader in Dr. Saulos Chilima,”

He added; “The dream still lives on and UTM will make that dream to come true,”

UTM started as Chilima movement within the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), as some wanted Chilima to be the torch bearer of the party in the May 21 Elections.

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