Sex workers in Zambia’s southern province of Mazabuka have started refusing to have sex with men who are circumcised, ZambianObserver reports.

It is reported that sex workers in the district are allegedly avoiding men who are circumcised as they ‘take too long’ during sexual encounters and that this is bad for their business.


Studies have shown that men who are circumcised prolong sexual encounters than those that are not.

MARCH Zambia, a non-governmental organisation dealing with HIV/AIDS programmes, said the sex workers complain of losing out on business when they encounter men who are circumcised than those that are not as it is ‘short time’ on the latter.

Several circumcised men in Mazabuka have admitted being stranded sexually after Sex Workers’ Association of Mazabuka (SEWAM), resolved not to be attending to circumcised men”.

Representing the circumcised men, Henry Nyanga said it was sad that sex workers decided to start refusing having sex with circumcised men.

Ironically, Mr Nyanga called on the government to intervene in the matter and prevent sex workers from discriminating against such men.

“We all want sex, and it is extremely unfair for some of us (circumcised men) to be discriminated against due to our circumcised man hood”, he said.

“We are all Zambians, we need to enjoy our rights also”, said Mr Nyanga.

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