Airtel Malawi on Saturday crowned Mr and Miss DMI St. John’s University to promote the mobile network service provider’s new Chezani bundle among students in various colleges across the country.

Twenty-year-old Darwin Msiska and Takondwa Mhango, 21, were crowned Mr and Miss DMI, respectively.

Airtel’s Assistant Marketing Manager Marcia Kamanga said DMI St. John’s University is among 21 colleges across the country that the company has earmarked to tour and sell the new Chezanibundle to students.

“We are targeting 21 colleges in the country and, so far, DMI is the third.

“We want to sell the brand to students because we understand that students love, and use our network. So, with the new Chezani bundle, they will stay connected and enjoy the service,” Kamanga said.

The Airtel’s new Chezani bundle accords customers a chance to purchase voice bundles on daily, weekly and monthly basis at a cheaper rate than they would spend at an ordinary rate.

“Customers who purchase the bundle would have a platform to communicate with other people using Airtel network anywhere at a cheaper price.

“This bundle is very convenient and affordable because, even with K100, one is able to buy minutes and talk to friends and family,” Kamanga said.

Mhango said she was excited to be the first Miss DMI at an event organized by “the biggest network company in Malawi.”

“Airtel network is generally loved by the majority of the youths in the country due to its youth-friendly packages such as the Chezani bundle.

“I urge my fellow youth to start buying the new Chezani bundle,” said Mhango, a 3rd Year Business Administration student at the university.

Both Mhango and Msiska got K50, 000 and a 4G router each from Airtel for attaining the titles of Miss and Mr DMI, respectively.

DMI University students’ union president Benard Gauti hailed Airtel for supporting the event describing it as the first of its kind at the university.

Renowned Nigerian gospel artist Bucci spiced up the event with live music as Airtel splashed various prizes including airtime, branded T-shirts and caps to lucky winners who answered questions concerning the new Airtel Chezani bundle.

Credit : MalawiVoice

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