Constituency Civic and Voter Education Assistants (CCVEAs) have accused the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) of delaying their June salaries.

The CCVEAs have also complained that MEC is not saying anything on their 14 month gratuities.

“Our contract came to an end on 30th June, 2019 but up to now we have not been paid our June salaries; let alone being told when MEC will pay us our gratuities,” they said.

The CCVEAs have threatened to drag MEC to court if they do not receive their salaries by the end of July.

MEC spokesperson Sangwani Mwafulirwa has attributed delayed June salaries and gratuity to technical challenges at the accounts department.

“The challenges have now been resolved and currently we are processing the June salaries and their gratuities,” said Mwafulirwa.

He however said gratuities will be paid to only CCVEAs that handed over MEC equipment

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