Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) wish to deliver their petition 100 meters away from Kamuzu Palace was not fulfilled as they delivered the petition 2 kilometers away from the state premises because the Malawi defense Force (MDF) soldiers and police blocked their way.

The demonstrators who want Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah and all MEC commissioners to step down for mismanaging May 21, 2019 elections.

HRDC has been holding a series of demonstration across the country with the an aim of calling for Ansah’s resignation, but Thursday’s demonstrations had a fresh target which was to deliver the petition to President Peter Mutharika at the state house in Lilongwe.

In their fresh petition, they are demanding that the president who is the appointing authority fire Dr. Ansah.

The protesters marched from Lilongwe Community Ground through Mchesi to city center until they were blocked by the soldiers and police at Four Seasons Gardens on the Presidential Drive that leads to state house.
Organizers of the demonstrations engaged in talks with the security officers who, among other things, said they were concerned with security of Chinese Embassy located along the Drive as some protesters were pelting missiles on buildings and damage sign posts along the road.

They finally agreed after lengthy discussion that authorities from state house come at the scene to receive the petition.

Presidential advisor on Non-Governmental Organizations Mavuto Bamusi received the petition which was read by HRDC chairperson Timothy Mtambo, promising the protesters that their message will be conveyed to the responsible hands.

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