A 53-year-old white farmer in Zambia and a 17-year-old Grade 12 pupil have appeared in the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court on charges of sodomy.

Douglas Quentin and the juvenile are separately charged for unnatural offences.

They are also charged with possession of obscene materials.

When the case came up before chief Resident Magistrate Lameck Mwale ,the accused denied having unlawful carnal Knowledge against the order of nature.

Quentin and the juvenile could however not take plea in respect of possession of obscene of pictures and videos.

Magistrate Mwale has since granted Quentin and the juvenile K10,000 and K5,000 cash bail respectively with two working sureties each bound at k10,000.

This was after the defense team applied for bail.

The state did not object to the bail application

It is alleged that Quentin between May 2019 and July 17 2019 and the 17-year-old had unlawful carnal Knowledge of each other against the order of nature.

The juvenile also had unlawful carnal Knowledge of Quentin against the order of nature.

The two had in their possession obscene pictures and videos on their phones tending to corrupt morals.

The matter comes up on August 6,2019 for trial.

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