Inspector General of Police Rodney Jose has said demonstrations have provided advantage to thieves to loot other people’s property.

Jose said this during the joint Press Briefing the IG held alongside Army officers in Lilongwe.

the briefing is said to be a clarification of a press statement the IG issued on July 26.

in his remarks Jose said the letter was authored in the spirit of promoting peace and avoiding continued looting of both public and private property.

“The demonstrations have provided advantage to thieves to loot other people’s property as well as given an opportunity to those who hate the police to settle their scores,” Jose said.

In the statement, Jose called on Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) to suspend holding demonstrations in the country.

However, HRDC has said they will continue demonstrating until there mission of forcing Malawi Electoral Commission Chairperson Jane Ansah to step down is fulfilled.

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