A suspect who is answering charges of house breaking and theft in Rumphi told the court on Tuesday that one of the police officers had asked for K26, 000 to have his case closed and be set free.

The suspect, Pilirani Kayomo, revealed that the police detective who investigated him happened to be the state witness for his case.

Kayomo’s revelation triggered First Grade Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri to sound a warning to police officers in the habit of receiving bribes to refrain from such acts or risk losing their job.

Phiri said police officers involved in such acts needed to feel ashamed for reaping from the poor by lying that everything would go better if they paid money.

“I always say whosoever denies the truth, God will punish them and should feel ashamed of themselves for gaining from the poor who find it difficult to make ends meet.

“You police officers, each and every month government pays you salary, but some of you go ahead and receive bribes from the poor, lying to them that everything will go well on their side,” said Magistrate Phiri.

He warned police officers behind the malpractice that they could lose their jobs if they continued.

Meanwhile, Rumphi Police Station Public Relations Officer, Inspector Henry Mnjere has said he would not comment on the matter as the claims were unfounded.

“It is an allegation, so we cannot comment now. However, we always do our work in a professional, impartial and corrupt-free manner. If such happened then it is against our code of conduct,” Mnjere said.

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