Newly introduced Ladies in Tertiary Education (Lite), a non-governmental organization, is geared to empower girls and young women to create jobs so that they become independent citizens.

In an interview, founder of Lite and Executive Director, Esther Bonyonga said many girls and young women are not productive as they wait for employment opportunities hence the formulation of the organization.

Bonyonga added that LITE is aimed at creating the entrepreneurial mindset among the special group.

“Lite was established to encourage them to have a mindset of creating jobs and not waiting to be employed. They are also encouraged to create business whilst at school so that they employ others,” she said.

She said the beneficiaries will pass the skills to others, hence the organization’s motto ‘Inspired to inspire’.

According to Bonyonga, awareness campaigns, seminars, training’s and entertainment will be added activities to empower them.

“As an organization, we have many activities for girls and women through seminars, trainings, awareness campaigns and entertainment activities to empower them so that their livelihood is improved,” she said.

Lite also encourages sisterhood and the spirit of supporting each other in all aspects of life.

“We also do awareness campaigns about gender-based violence for women to stand up for themselves on issues of gender based violence,” she said.

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