Political commentator George Phiri has trashed calls made by the Forum for National Development for the resignation of Human Rights Defenders (HRDC) coalition Chairperson, Timothy Mtambo as Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) board member.

Foolowing Mtambo’s bold move to lead people in the country inti Anti_Ansah Demonstrations, some members of MESN have been calling for Mtambo to distance himself from the organization.

However, Mtambo has said said he will not relent from any form of intimadation to stop him for fighting ordinary Malawians who are seeking for justice on their vote.

Aftermath May 21 tripartite elections, there has been political instability in the country as different stakeholders are calling for Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah resignation for allegedly mismanaging the prresidential votes, of which Mtambo has been on the upfront.

Ansah has been adamant on the calls of her resignation as MEC chair arguing that it is the court that will determine her in-capabilities in the May 21 elections.

On the other hand HRDC has vowed not to relent until Ansah resigns.

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