By Robert Kumwenda and Orchestra Kamanga

Governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) parliamentarian for Blantyre City South Constituency, Noel Lipipa has described his position to contest as a Member of Parliament a calling from God.


Lipipa said he just want to help people of the constituency in bringing good access to water,  kiosk to people of Ntonda in Chilobwe and a driving school for the youth to empower them.

The DPP parliamentarian said the driving school will not be for free for learners as they will have to contribute something to show their willingness

“I have also been helping the elderly by providing them with flour, sugar and maize. For the orphans l have not yet started because they need soft loans,” he said.

He said his family has been helping people of the constituency since 2004 and he takes it as a calling from God. He added saying that could be the reason why people from the constituency asked him to stand as their member of parliament as he is the right person.

Concluding, Lipipa pledged he will continue working hand in hand with the DPP party to develop the constituency.


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