A 15 year old boy has died while a three-year-old has escaped with serious injuries when a large strip of overlying soil and rocks fell on them while digging for precious stones on Saturday in Ntcheu.

Ntcheu Police Public Relations Officer sub inspector Hastings Chigalu explained that illegal mining taking place at Basikolo village, Sub Traditional Authority Tsikulamowa in the area has motivated people to engage in the economic activities.

On that fateful day, the deceased, accompanied by a young girl, went to Lisungwi River Banks to exploit Alluvial deposits which contain precious minerals such as gold.

“The children had no choice but to dig a deep pit to access the precious minerals which they believed could make them realise their dreams of acquiring wealth through the illegal mining” said the Police Publicist.

While in the process of digging the pit, a large strip of soil and rocks fell on them while they were still inside.

Chigalu stated that it was too late for the 15 year old miner to be saved when rescuers arrived at the scene.

He was pronounced dead at Phalula Health Centre from suffocation.

The survivor a girl, escaped with serious head injuries.

She is currently admitted at Phalula health facility where she is receiving medical treatment.

Meanwhile, Ntcheu police is advising people to take extra caution when carrying out such activities.

The police have also appealed to parents and guardians should to ensure that their children aren’t involved in illegal mining activities.

Credit : Kulinji

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