President Peter Mutharika has appointed new board members and reconstituted the board of directors for 26 statutory corporations effective 6th August, 2016, according to the Chief Secretary to the government.

The new appointments come two months after Mutharika’s contested reelection for a second term of office.

President Peter Mutharika has appointed new board members and reconstituted the board of directors for 26 statutory corporations effective 6th August, 2016, according to the Chief Secretary to the government.

The new appointments come two months after Mutharika’s contested reelection for a second term of office.

The appointments, have included individuals of diverse backgrounds such as members of legal fraternity, academia, business, civil society, politicians, clergy and traditional leaders.

Some Democratic Progressive Party loyalists who lost in the May 21 Parliamentary elections have been rewarded with board positions. They include Felix Jumbe and Dumisani Lindani who are in the Admarc board as chaiperson and member, respectively.

Religious leaders among them Apostle Madalitso Mbewe and Bishop Charles Tsukuluza who recently formed Interfaith Forum for Peace and Justice and Dialogue, a grouping disowned by other prominent church leaders have also been given top positions.

Apostle Mbewe has been retained as board chairperson of Central Region Water Board with Tsukuluza heading Lilongwe Water Board.

Leaders of some NGOs whom some Human Rights Defenders have dubbed GoNGOs (Government Owned NGOs) among them Undule Mwakasungula-Smedi board, Fryson Chodzi-Nocma board, have also been appointed; as have a number of chiefs whose relevance in the boards some political scientists have tended to question.

The appointments, have included individuals of diverse backgrounds such as members of legal fraternity, academia, business, civil society, politicians, clergy and traditional leaders.

Some Democratic Progressive Party loyalists who lost in the May 21 Parliamentary elections have been rewarded with board positions. They include Felix Jumbe and Dumisani Lindani who are in the Admarc board as chaiperson and member, respectively.

Religious leaders among them Apostle Madalitso Mbewe and Bishop Charles Tsukuluza who recently formed Interfaith Forum for Peace and Justice and Dialogue, a grouping disowned by other prominent church leaders have also been given top positions.

Apostle Mbewe has been retained as board chairperson of Central Region Water Board with Tsukuluza heading Lilongwe Water Board.

Leaders of some NGOs whom some Human Rights Defenders have dubbed GoNGOs (Government Owned NGOs) among them Undule Mwakasungula-Smedi board, Fryson Chodzi-Nocma board, have also been appointed; as have a number of chiefs whose relevance in the boards some political scientists have tended to question.

Credit : Kulinji

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