A forum calling itself concerned citizens is adamant that it will still make public names of people funding the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) in their anti-Jane Ansah demonstrations.

The grouping is accusing the HRDC of being used by people who have special interests in the country,

Meanwhile, Chairperson of the grouping Philip Kamangira has indicated that they are waiting for responses from the donors before making the information public.

Since HRDC started organizing demonstrations calling for Malawi electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson has been meeting with a lot of external forces as one way of silencing them.

Other groupings who are against HRDC are accusing the human rights grouping of being used by other political parties as they always have the backing of United Transformation Movement (UTM) and Malawi congress Party (MCP) in all of their demonstrations.

Organizers of Anti-Ansah demonstrations have therefore vowed not to relent as they have plotted to invade airports and boarders to force the MEC chairwoman to step down for managing fraud elections.

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