Workers at Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development (FISD) Company in Lilongwe are boycotting their work effective Thursday in protest for the unpaid salaries.

The workers presented their petition to their directors on Thursday informing them of their decision to lay down tools unless their grievances are solved.

The company’s Managing Director, Frank Mwenechanya confirmed the development saying the company has been failing to pay their workers for five months, because their clients, including government, are failing to pay for the services already rendered by the company, that are amounting to billions of Kwachas.

Mwenechanya said: “The reason is that our cash-flow has been a challenge because our clients who we deal with in our major projects, including the government, are not fourth coming to pay for the services we have been rendering to them and the development has crippled our cash-flow.”

He further warned that if their clients continue failing to pay the company, it will leave them with no option but to lay-off workers.

“The issue is that it’s not only the company which suffers when these clients fail honor their dues but it’s also affecting workers who are failing to meet their daily needs.”

The company has about 250 permanent employees who are at risk of losing their jobs if the company closes its doors.

Mwenechanya said the company is trying other alternatives and has promised to address the issue by Thursday.

FISD Group Limited Company is a Lilongwe based irrigation, water and clean energy service provider incorporated in 2012.

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