Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has described the petrol-bombing of Timothy’s Mtambo’s house which has led the damage of his car, as connected to the civil rights activism the organisation has been actively involved in.

In a media interview, Gift Trapence HRDC Vice Chairperson stated that it is apparent this is the work of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) cadets who he noted are yet to come to grips that the country is no longer a one party state with divergent views.

“This country belongs to all Malawians, there’s no way they can intimidate people because they’re exercising their right to demonstrate. We can’t tolerate this kind of impunity,” said Trapence.

He pointed out that Malawians are aware who is behind the attack adding that having visited the site, it is clear the people had intended to get inside the house.

Trapence who said the matter has been reported to Police, expressed hope that justice would be done as he claimed the thugs are connected to people in authority.

But DPP Publicity Secretary Nicholas Dausi dismissed any links of his party to the attack stressing that being in government it has no appetite for attacks on anyone.

He said it is unfortunate that when such things happen they are usually the scapegoats.

“It’s not us, in fact we have no appetite whatsoever to injure, maim, loot or destroy property let alone a house”

It is not DPP. It is unfair; it is unfair. Let the police investigate this matter”

Mtambo through HRDC has been instrumental in organizing the anti-Ansah protests which will now be extended to the country’s airports in the next round.

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