The Attorney-General (AG) Kalekeni Kaphale, who is representing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) in the on-going elections case, has said he is done with cross examining United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also the first petitioner of the case.

Kaphale told the media after Wednesday court session that he has gathered answers he needed from the witness since the beginning of the cross examination on Thursday last week.

“Well, it was marvelous. We covered quiet a lot of ground and I think all we have all the answers that we needed to get from the witness. On Friday, the team representing Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will also do their cross examination with the witness,” he said.

Kaphale maintained after cross examining Chilima that what he got from the witness tells that the elections were not stolen.

“We have always been maintaining that nothing went wrong in the elections. In the answers, the petitioner was giving, you will see by yourself that he can’t identify anywhere where the candidate’s votes were stolen,” Kaphale said.

The High Court sitting will resume on Friday and it will be the turn of President Peter Mutharika to cross examine Chilima.

The court has since been adjourned to Friday morning since there will be an appeal case on Thursday in the Supreme Court of Appeal where MEC wants the whole case dismissed.

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