A 15 year old girl from Mulanje district has been defiled by her step father at holy cave, Mulanje mountain in the district.

The girl is reported to have gone to the mountain together with her mother and the step father for prayer on August 1, this year.

In an interview the girl said that her step father, Pangani Makatani, claimed that God was showing him wealth that included mansions and vehicles but he can claim this wealth only if he sleeps with her step daughter and take her as his second wife.

“He defiled me twice while my mother was watching,” said the girl.

After descending from the mountain, the girl spilled the beans and her relations confronted both the husband and his wife and it all ended there.

“Seeing that my relatives were not assisting me, I went to Namphungo Police Unit on Saturday, 10th August where I reported the matter,” said the girl.

According to male champion from Khwalala, Mathews Gawani, police summoned the father, mother and other relations through the girl to appear before police on 19th August, 2019.

On Monday, Gawani took the girl to one stop centre at Mulanje District Hospital for both medical examination and counselling.

“The clinician confirmed to me that the girl was indeed defiled,” said Gawani.

Meanwhile both the man and his wife are on the run.

Mulanje police spokesperson, Sub-Inspector Gresham Ngwira, asked for more time before commenting on the matter.

The family is from Khwalala village, Traditional Authority Juma, in the district and belongs to Jesus Alone Church.

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