Two boatmen in Ngabu have been arrested on allegations that they stole a bag belonging to an American missionary nurse, Miss Kiki Cunningham.

According to reports, the said bag contained travelling documents and cash which included K200,000 and 200 US dollars.

Chikwawa Police Station public relations officer (PRO), Sergeant Foster Benjamin identified the suspects as Michael Thomas, 65, and Mavuto Nthengu, 19 who were both arrested on Monday.

“The two, who ply their trade across Shire River, came across the bag which had been dropped by Cunningham on 10 July. The American missionary nurse and her local team were having lunch soon after being ferried across the river by the two suspects,” said Benjamin.

She is said to have left behind the laptop bag before discovering that it had gone missing a few hours later.

She reported to Ngabu Police Post and the law enforcers probed the matter in which the two denied any knowledge.

Further investigations led to the arrest of two suspects on Monday, 12 August 2019.

During interrogation, Nthengu admitted to taking and burying the bag on instruction from Thomas.

Police, on Wednesday, dug out the alleged place and found nothing.

The suspects are still being investigated for any possible recoveries.

They have since been charged with theft.

Thomas hails from Laija village while Nthengu is from Mazongoza Island both under Senior Chief Makhwira in Chikwawa District.

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