Umodzi Party, ine of the political outfits which participated in Malawi’s May 21 elections, has dismissed calls for Justice Jane Ansah to resign from her post as Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson.

The party’s presidential spokesperson and advisor Thomas Kauma stated that the Supreme Court of Appeal judge should not go as she is the one who unearthed the use of Tippex on some of the forms and results sheet in the elections.

“It’s not right as Jane Ansah revealed about the Tippex.

“It’s therefore not sensible to call for her resignation,” he said.

He pointed out that only after it is proven that the MEC chairperson had a hand in the electoral malpractice can she go.

The Party, however, backed people’s right to demonstrate as a way of expressing their discontent over the polls’ outcome.

The Party also indicated that it is against the looting and vandalism of properties which have characterised the protests.

Commenting on the ongoing dialogue initiated by different players Kauma explained that there is need to analyse the root to effectively address it.

“The most important thing is to look at cause and then proceed with dialogue otherwise we just need to wait for the ruling from the court,” stated Kauma.

He faulted the move by former President Bakili Muluzi to bring the warring sides to a round table arguing that he is compromised as he is seen to be pro-DPP.

The UP presidential publicist was also of the view that the current political impasse needs a political solution.

UP’s presidential candidate Prof. Chisi secured 0.38 percent (19,187) of the votes in the May 21 elections.

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