As two groups of civil society organizations expect to hold two different national-wide protests concurrently, the Malawi Police Service has assured that they will make plans to properly deal with the situation.

National police spokesperson James Kadadzera made the assurance as Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) plans to hold anti-Jane Ansah protests in all border posts and airports from August 26 to 30 while the Joint Civil Society Platform on Good Governance (JCSPG) will also be marching against from August 23.

There are fears that the two demonstrations might clutch as they are being held during the same week.

The remarks by Kadadzera comes after the police Inspector General Rodney Jose in July made a call demanding HRDC to suspend the demonstrations citing security challenges being encountered in protecting lives and property of people.

However, Kadadzera declined to shade more light on how the police will manage to handle the two demonstrations taking into account that they had already admitted that they are being challenged in containing the protests that have been held by HRDC.

“We are a law enforcement agency and as far as we are concerned we will deal with the situation as it comes.” Kadadzera said

In a letter from the Inspector General, dated July 26, 2019 which was also followed by a press briefing, the law enforcers said both the police and organizers of the demonstrations have failed to protect lives and property of people when the protests turn violent.

Recent demonstrations that have been organized by HRDC, and were endorsed by both Malawi Congress and UTM parties have ended up in riots to the extent of the police officers being overpowered by the demonstrators.

Former president Bakili Muluzi on Monday wrote HRDC chairperson Timothy Ntambo expressing his concern on HRDC’s intension to close down airports and boarders.

However the former president has proposed another dialogue to find the solutions to the impasse.

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