Villagers of Eshirembe village in Butere, Kakamega County, last weekend burst into celebration after an elderly man hacked his 38-year-old son to death.

Apparently, the deceased, Habil Amunza, was a notorious thief and had tried to attack his father before the unfortunate incident.

The two had quarreled over stolen maize and Amunza took a panga.

“When the father inquired from him in the evening, he, as usual turned against him in a murderous rage but fortunately, the father managed to snatch the panga and hacked him to death,” said their neighbor Jared Nandwa.

Adding: “They have been leading a quarrelsome life and we were afraid that the son would kill his father like he has been killing people around this village.

“Fortunately, it is the father who hacked him to death. God is Great!”

It also emerged that the deceased had killed Nandwa’s son some years back but was released just four months after his arrest.

William Wambani, also a neighbor, described the deceased as a notorious thief who had become a nuisance to the community.


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