100 days of President Peter Mutharika in office after being declared winner of the May 21 presidential election passed unnoticed due to the political impasse.

As has been the tradition, such moments are characterized by pomp and fanfare with special events organised to celebrate the days.

The day came amid political tension rocking the nation as Malawi Congress Party (UTM) and UTM are in court challenging presidential election results, with Human Rights Defenders Coalition organizing demonstrations against Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Justice Jane Ansah’s leadership.

However, Information, Civic Education and Communications Technology Minister, Mark Botomani, said, despite the tension in the country, the government had been delivering for the past three months.

“You have seen that government programmes are going on. In June, we passed supplementary budget for three months and everything is going on well. The exchange rate and inflation are stable. The political environment has not affected implementation of development activities but has only scared potential investors and affected local businesses,” Botomani said.

He said celebrations were not their priority.

Governing Democratic Progressive Party spokesperson, Nicholas Dausi, said Mutharika had lived up to many Malawians’ expectations for the past three months.

“I can mention it here that we are happy that people in the country continue to live in peace with the leadership putting up efforts in trying to develop the nation. I hope that, as a country, we would be able to sit and resolve the differences [that are there] because we believe in contact and dialogue,” Dausi said.

He also said celebrations of the 100 days were not mandatory and that the party decided not to hold them this time around.

Mutharika, who won by 38.5 percent of the votes, has spent most of his 100 days in office in the Southern Region.

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