YONECO through its radio station – YFM, has introduced special radio plays to raise awareness about Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and migration among community members in Malawi.

The radio plays which also have corresponding audio jingles are part of the 140 Days Campaigns in Ending Human Trafficking and Migration which commenced in July and will wind up in December this year.

In his remarks, the playwright – Chokondi Bisika stated that the radio plays will be aired once a week. Bisika further expressed his optimism that the plays will have a positive impact in the way people perceive trafficking in persons and migration.

“People have a narrow view of human trafficking and this is one of the reasons why the vice has flourished in our midst. The plays will give people a complete understanding of human trafficking and its manifestations,” explained Bisika.

Malawi is a source, transit as well as destination for trafficked persons hence the need for concerted and coordinated efforts to deal with the challenges.

Among other campaign activities, YONECO is using community Theatre for Development (TfD), social media, public debates as well as community and schools outreach sessions.

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