The registration of candidates for 2020 PSLCE and MSCE examinations, payment of examination and identity card fees and collection of photos for production of examination identity cards starts on 16th September, 2019 in examination centres approved by MANEB.
During registration, candidates are requested provide the following information:

(a) correct name and name spellings
(b) correct date and year of birth
(c)correct subject entries,especially for MSCE candidates

MANEB is urging centres to strictly observe the following related schedule:
(a)16th September to 31st October, 2019- Registration of candidates in examination centres.

(b) 4th November to 8th November, 2019- Submission of verified data to respective District Education Managers (DEMs) offices.

(c)15th November , 2019- Closing date for submission of registration data and photo collection forms to MANEB offices.

Centres are reminded to ensure that candidates verify their registration data before submission of the same to DEMs offices.

Details of registration procedures ,collection of photos for ID cards production and payment of examinatin and ID card fees are stipulated in MANEB circular letters on ‘ Registration of candidates for 2020 PSLCE and MSCE examinations ‘ sent to all approved examination centres.

Registration data and candidates’ photos for examination centres in the Northern and Central Regions should be submitted to the MANEB Regional Offices in Mzuzu and Lilongwe, respectively.

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