Political analysts have warned President Peter Mutharika to mind his language if he is to be welcomed by people as he is planning to hold his first public rallies in the central and northern region.

According to Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Spokesperson Nicholas Dausi, Mutharika is expected to hold a public rally at Mgona ground in Lilongwe on Sunday followed by others in the North.

Reacting to this development, political commentators have issued their warning to the president that he should use reconciliatory languages during the rallies.

Chancellor College-based political analyst Ernest Thindwa said the President risks worsening the tension in the two regions if he utters defiant and non-reconciliatory messages.

“I do not see any problem with the President going to the Northern and Central regions. But, on whether people will welcome him that will depend on the content of the message he will deliver during rallies,” Thindwa said.

He added; “If the President will utter defiant and non-reconciliatory messages that will likely create a problem for him. If the message will be that of arrogance, that will create tension in the regions. Otherwise, I want to believe that people in the two regions will welcome him.”

On his part, Institute for Policy Interaction (IPI) executive director Rafiq Hajat observed that by planning the rallies, Mutharika wants to demonstrate that he is President of the nation and not a leader for only the Southern Region.

He said: “The President wants to go to these regions because this nation is split. Over 60 percent of the people did not vote for him and he needs to show that he is President for the nation.”

Since the electoral body declared Mutharika winner of the disputed elections he has been spending much of his time and holding public rallies in the sourthen region.

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