Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Simon Vuwa Kaunda has hailed the High Court ruling declaring him the legitimate Nkhata Bay Central Constituency in the May 21 tripartite election which was marred by serious irregularities.

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) declared Symon Vuwa Kaunda of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) winner in the poll, but close contender Ralph Mhone challenged the result by seeking court intervention on the matter.

Mhone claimed he is the rightful winner of the Parliamentary seat in Nkhata Bay central Constituency and not Vuwa Kaunda.

Delivering the ruling on Monday, Judge Thomson Ligowe upheld MEC’s declaration that DPP’s Symon Vuwa Kaunda won the Nkhata Bay Central Seat.

Speaking to the press the ruling, Kaunda said the ruling has vindicated him and now free.

Kaunda also saluted President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika for entrusting him with ministerial post despite the court battles.

He also promised to continue with development agendas set by former MP of the constituency.

But Mhone refused to speak to the press after the ruling.

Meanwhile the High Court has ordered Mhone to settle all the expenses anchored during the court session.

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