Lilongwe Resident Magistrate court has adjourned to 19 September, 2019 hearing of a case involving controversial Prophet Chimwemwe Seer Sabao and two others on accounts of forgery, uttering false documents and theft.

State Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Isaac Kadawayula confirmed.

Acording to Kadawayula,  this is to allow for more time to parade four witnesses before the court.

Lilongwe resident magistrate’s court on Monday started hearing a case where prophet Sabao and two others, Nomsa Plaignnie and Ghanet Alinafe Katomba are answering charges bordering on forgery, uttering false documents and theft.

The three are accused of stealing K3, 350, 000.

The prophet, who leads Angelic Gathering for Christ Church (AGAC), is suspected of cashing out seven cheques from a single bank account of Glalle Enterprises and General Dealers Stationers.

But Prophet Sabao denied the allegations that he has been forging signatures on cheques of his mother-in-law who owns Glalle Enterprises and General Dealers.

His two accused accomplices have also pleaded not guilty to the charges.

This prompted Assistant Superintendent Isaac Kadawayula to parade two witnesses, Gladys Masina, owner for Glalle and another.

The complainant speaking in court said from 21 of her missing cheques, seven were cashed out by unknown people.

Innocent Kubwalo, lawyer for Prophet Sabao said is impressed with how the case is being handled.

“There is no evidence pertaining to the person who got the checkbook from the complainant in this case. There is also no evidence pertaining to the person who signed the cheques which are said to have been withdrawn and we have tried to demonstrate that there is a

the possibility that the one who signed could have been the late daughter of the complainant and that anything that our clients might have done in relation to this case might have been done innocently not knowing the circumstances in which the checkbook was obtained and in which it was signed,” said Kubwalo.

The police arrested Prophet Sabao of on allegations that he forged the cheques.

The case has been adjourned to 19 September where the state will parade four witnesses to testify.

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