President Peter Mutharika’s decision to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in the United States, has received warm welcome by political commentators in the country considering the political impasse.

His trip to UNGA is the first tour outside the country aftermath of May 21 tripartite elections.

When Mutharika re-assumed in office, he has been delegating vice president Everton Chimulirenji and Ministers to attend international trips.

The move has been attracting criticism from some quarters who argued that the president’s physical attendance at some international meeting is crucial.

Professor Mustafa Hussein says the decision has cleared the perceptions that have been there due to the uncertainties of the electoral court case, and in light of the political impasse in the country, Mutharika’s decision is a positive move expected to clear a number of perceptions the president’s office.

“There have been perceptions that came probably because of the electoral related case. People thought he may be reluctant or not be able to attend but now that he has made the decision to go I should say this is a good development because it just shows that there is no vacuum in terms of leadership of the country.” Professor Hussein said.

In his remarks Rafiq Hajat said the decision could be a possible solution to the political differences that have been emerging in the country since the May 21st elections, as this is a chance to guide the president on how to resolve the differences in the country.
The 74th session of the UNGA runs from 17th to 30th of September in New York.

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