Singaporean doctors gave up treatment on now late former President Robert Mugabe as it turned out age and his advanced State of cancer ailment had gone beyond treatment.


This was revealed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa while addressing some Zanu PF supporters in New York.

The President is in the American city for the United Nations Annual General Assembly.

Said Mnangagwa, “In fact, when we discussed about the issue (Mugabe’s illness), it turned out that treatment had stopped, doctors had stopped treatment, chemotherapy, one, because of age and also because the cancer had spread and it was not helping anymore.

“He would have come back home, but the family said they wanted to remain. Of course, they would have wanted me to come to Singapore, but also we had our Vice President General (Constantino) Chiwenga, who is in a military hospital in Beijing, who was going into a major operation and those two demands.”

Zimbabwe’s long serving leader died on 6 September after spending months on treatment in Singapore.

While Mugabe was frequenting the Asian country since his time as the country’s leader, a nephew to the once powerful President told recently that his health challenges deteriorated when he was forced out of his job via a military coup in 2017.

Mugabe felt betrayed by his long-time allies who pushed him out of a job he had fiercely protected for decades.

Observers say the thought of exiting a long political career a villain and outside his own terms weighed heavily on him.

Mugabe’s decision to abandon the country’s health system he presided over for 37 years for treatment outside has been widely criticised by ordinary Zimbabweans.

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