At least 19 people who were arrested in karonga for perpetrating violence during last week’s demonstrations in Karonga have pleade not guilty to the charge and applied for a bail.

Hearing the case Mzuzu Senior Resident Magistrate Court has reserved its ruling on the bail application made by the suspects.

The state led by Northern Regional Prosecution Inspector, Bet Msowoya, Prayed to the court to transfer the case to Karonga arguing most witnesses are not in Mzuzu where the case was first heard.

Appearing before Senior Magistrate, Peter Kandulu, Msowoya pleaded with the court not to grant the suspects bail arguing that doing so might jeorpadise the case.

“Therefore, the magistrate has said he will communicate to us if they are to be granted bail and the dates of commencement of hearing of the case,” said Msowoya after the court session.

It is alleged that the suspects destroyed Karonga Police Station offices and looted shops at the Boma before engaging in running battles with Malawi Police Service and Malawi Defence Force officers on Wednesday evening.

The police later arrested 20 suspects linked to the violence in Karonga, three in Rumphi District and two in Mzuzu.

HRDC has been disowning protesters who propagate violence during demonstrations.

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