Despite Sudan’s political progress towards an interim government following months of protests which eventually ousted former president Omar Al Bashir, student protests are continuing in South Darfur over bread and fuel shortages – and the call for justice.

Three days of consecutive protests in South Darfur’s capital Nyala continued on Monday as the Marginalisation Force Group, a civil society organisation, called for a “procession of justice” to take place on Tuesday at 1pm in five major cities representing the capitals of the states of Darfur, the Middle East Monitor reported.

During Monday’s protests demonstrators marched until they reached the headquarters of the judiciary and the Government Chancellery of South Sudan as they shouted their demands which included justice in Darfur’s main cities.

Clashes between protesters and police on Sunday led to the injury of 20 of the protesters, angered over the continuing bread and fuel shortage crisis.

The Association of Sudanese Professionals, the most prominent component of the Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change, the leader of the protest movement and participant in the transitional government, called for immediate investigation and accountability for the incidents in Nyala.



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