The Lilongwe Magistrates Court ha convicted 2 Chinese and 2 malawi nationals for illegal possession and dealing with ivory in Malawi.

Passing his judgment on Tuesday, 24th September, Senior Resident Magistrates Court, Lilongwe Presiding Magistrate Chisomo Msokera convicted the four individuals for illegal possession of listed species c/s 86 read with 110 B (b), dealing in government trophies of listed species c/s 91 (b) 110 B (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act and possession of raw ivory valued at MK31, 879, 200, weighing 21.54 kgs.

In his remarks, State Council Andy Kaonga welcomed the judgement describing it as meaningful.
“This judgement has been a long time coming. We have waited for a long time. The court has today proceeded to convict all the accused 4 persons. They were 5 of them but the 5th accused person pleaded guilty.
“These 4 pleaded not guilty and today the court has found them guilty on the charges of being found in procession of ivory and also the third and fourth convicts have been found guilty for buying and selling ivory to the first and second convicts,” he explained.
Kaonga further added that the case has been adjourned to 21st October.
He said, “We made an application to the court today so that before sentencing the court should hear evidence to appreciate the nature and gravity of the case.
“We will be parading witnesses on 21st October to help the court to arrive at a proper sentence.”
The accused persons were arrested on December 17, 2017.
Li Hao Yuan, male aged 28 (Chinese) pled not guilty, Zhang Hua Qin, female aged 42 (Chinese) pled not guilty, Paul Mangwe male aged 32 (Malawian) pled not guilty, Tsogolani Samson male aged 32 (Malawian) pled not guilty while Frackson Kanyoli Banda, male aged 43 (Zambian) pled guilty.
The Zambian national, Mr Frackson Banda has been convicted but is currently on remand in prison awaiting sentencing.
The Malawian nationals, Mr Paul Mangwe and Mr Tsogolani Samson were remanded on bail.
The two Chinese nationals – Mr Li Hao Yuan and Mrs Zhang Hua Qin – were originally remanded on bail. However, they are now on remand in custody awaiting trial on other charges of wildlife trafficking (case 492/19).
The two were arrested on 9th May 2019 alongside 6 other Chinese Nationals and 2 Malawian Nationals for possession of rhino horn, ivory, pangolin, hippo teeth, and firearms. The hearing of this other case has been adjourned and a date is yet to be set.