Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Jane Ansah has said she does  not perform her duties in public hence no need to make frequent appearance to the public.

Ansah was responding to a question following her first appearance to the public as she was last seen on May 28 during the inauguration of President Peter Mutharika at Kamuzu stadium in Blantyre.

According to Ansah sh has been discharging her duties all along as her work does not qualify her to be announcing whenever discharging her duties.

“I have been doing my work, because i do no go to the place to tell you tat am doing my work, when it is necessary MEC invites you as you have been invited today because this is a public function,” Ansah said.

Malawi is hosting the Annual Electoral Commissions Forum for the Southern African Development Community (ECF-SADC) conference  which is taking place at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre.

Aftermath of May 21 elections different stakeholders have been calling for Ansah’s resignation for allegedly mismanaged the polls.

However, Ansah has remained adamant saying she cannot resign as she knows that she served Malawians with truth and delivered what was supposed to be delivered.

Meanwhile, United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Saulos Chilima and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera are seeking nullification of the presidential polls in court.

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