Government is planning to repatriate refugees who came to Malawi after being displaced by wars in their respective countries but there is now peace in their respective nations.

Principal Secretary for the homeland security Samuel Madula says government will discuss with nations such us Burundi and Ruanda to implement this in an orderly manner.

“The number of refugees living in our country has gone up and we received letters from different organizations asking that we repatriate these refugees. We are liasing with Burundi and Luanda in a polite manner that they can go back to their countries because there is peace now in their countries,” said Madula.

Madula added; “We don’t want a scenario like the one happening in South Africa because we as Malawians are at peace with these countries”.

According to Madula there are many refugees in Nsanje, Bwanje and Bilira in Ntcheu.




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