Kanengo Police Station is keeping in custody one Steven Wingolo who is a pastor at Saul Servers Church situated in Lilongwe Area 25,for having sex with a teenager, impregnating and help her in aborting the child.

Wingolo was in a sexual relationship with a 17 year old girl,who is a form 3 student who was also a member of praise team for his church from May 2019.

Police station spokesperson, Esther Mkwanda Kanengo  told reporters that In August 2019,the girl realised that she was  pregnant and informed Wingolo who was responsible for her  pregnancy.

Wingolo told her to go for abortion and gave her money for the act.

Mkwanda said that the abortion was not well conducted that led to the girl’s persistent poor health.

On Tuesday September 17, Wingolo took the girl to a mission hospital within Lilongwe where she was urgently attended to and later admitted without the knowledge of her parents, with the suspect sitting in as biological father to the Victim.

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