ZAMBIA – A 38-YEAR-OLD woman of Mansa district in Luapula Province in Zambia has had her leg removed after a man she is said to have been pursuing to demand a payment for the sexual services she provided to him drove over her.

Esnart Mpundu is now in the Intensive Care Unit at Mansa General Hospital and is yet to gain consciousness following the amputation.

Luapula Province police commissioner Elias Chushi confirmed the incident in an interview with Times of Zambia reveling that Joseph Muyaya an employee of Zesco was currently in custody over the matter.

Commisioner Chushi said the incident happened on Friday last week around 23:00 hours.

“I have not established what exactly transpired because the lady is unable to talk. But she sustained a broken leg which I am told has been amputated,” Chushi was quoted.

He said Muyaya 37 of New Mufulira township had been charged with dangerous driving which was likely to change once a statement was collected from Mpundu.

But a witness to the incident narrated that Muyaya had gone to a pub where he picked up Mpundu.

“The woman started demanding for money after all was done, but the man refused to pay and jumped into his vehicle to drive off. That was when she also jumped in the vehicle in an effort to stop the man from driving way with her money. She fell out and was run over in the process,” the witness said.

Credit: Kalemba

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