Vice President, Everton Chimulirenji who is also Minister of Disaster Management Affairs on Wednesday September 25, handed over relief items from Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) of Kenya through Alliance One Tobacco (Malawi) Limited to Chisawa Primary School in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chimwala in Mangochi.

Chimulirenji also warned government officials against diverting relief items meant for people affected by March disaster in Mangochi.

“Let me warn all officials who are responsible for distributing relief items to desist from diverting the items to satisfy their needs or asking for favors from disaster victims. If you are found you will face the law,” Chimulirenji said.

He appealed to the disaster survivors to use the package they have received for its intended purpose rather than selling them saying doing so will make their lives to remain vulnerable.

The Vice President commended TDB through Alliance One for the support to the people who were affected by disaster in March, 2019 despite the financial challenges the cooperate world is facing.

Chimulirenji appealed to the people to support government so that development should accelerate in the country.

“We have to support each other if we are to move forward, as government we always support you in many ways and you have to support government as well so that we move forward with developmental projects in the country,” he pointed out.

Chimulirenji added that, “Let me commend TDB and Alliance One for the timely support, this help is coming when the cooperate world is facing financial problems internationally, this is a great development and we are proud of you.”

Managing Director for Alliance One Tobbaco Malawi Limited, Hugh Saunders said his organization decided to answer the president call for support for people affected by the March disaster.

“When the President appealed for support in March we thought it wise to support government by providing some of the needs to the affected individuals that is why we are here today,” he said.

Saunders promised government that they would continue uplifting the lives of people in the country in various sectors.

According to Saunders, the donation was worth K75 million where the affected families would receive provision worth K155, 000 each.

TA Chimwala thanked government for responding fast with assistance whenever there was need.

“On behalf of my people, let me thank government for we have been receiving assistance since the floods took place in March up to date,” he added.

TDB donated these relief items to Malawi through Alliance one Tobacco (Malawi) Limited.







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