The Ministry of Health and Population has said it is deeply concerned with the rising number of unauthorized and unguided taking of photos of patients and in hospital facilities by so called “well-wishers” who come to make donations of one form or another.

The Ministry registered the concern in a statement released recently signed its Principal Secretary Dan Namalika seen by Faceofmalawi reporter.

According to Namalika, the tendency is depriving patients their human dignity.

“The health profession is guided by standards and ethical principles which mainly aim at protecting the interest and dignity of patients and clients who seek assistance from the service. In fact, health professionals take an oath or creed that guides the conduct of the service.

“Therefore all managers of all facilities are required to maintain the privacy and dignity of our patient. The general public as well is required to ensure that they also protect the dignity and interest of the people they are going to cheer,” reads the statement in part.

The Ministry has since threatened to take necessary action through its regulatory bodies where it sees the privacy and dignity of the patients is compromised

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