United Transformation Movement (UTM) has cautioned government to stop targeting other party members in advancing propaganda saying doing so is undemocratic.

UTM regional governor for the north Leonard Njikho made the remarks on Wednesday in reference to a rally the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) organized in Tukombo, Nkhata-bay south where UTM councilor was invited.

“The honorable who was conducting his DPP meetings in Nkhata-bay is fond of inviting our councilors and other political leaders from our parties, just to coax them and I want to say that he will not achieve anything because people have made their minds he should stop doing such behavior,” said Njikho.

In his own words the Tukombo ward councilor Akland Chenya said he was tricked to believe he was being invited to a development rally when actually it was a party rally causing others to assume he has dumped UTM.

“They want to gain popularity in Nkhata-bay south especially in my ward because they are the ones who invited me,” said Chenya.

Meanwhile the DPP regional governor Kenneth Sanga has denied the allegations saying they are not true.

“Do we invite people to a rally? We don’t invite them, they come on their own. People can choose whether to come to a rally or not,” said Sanga.

Ironically Chenya has appeared twice on DPP rallies.

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