The Human Rights Defenders Coalition, has vowed to continue with the Anti- Jane Ansah demonstrations despite having .problems with the police and DPP supporters.

Solomon Phiri who is one of the HRDC members said that efforts to ensure that their petition is presented to the rightful authority will continue.

“We are still committed to the process of wanting to deliver the petition that we had, particularly that we wanted to take advantage of the SADC conference that is taking place here in Blantyre at Mount Soche Hotel. Just after 100 meters after we began our demonstrations, we had DPP cadets who pelted stones against the demonstrators who were demonstrating freely and that in itself became a disturbance,” said Phiri.

HRDC has also bemoaned the behavior of the police officers who were at the demonstration accusing them of faking their presence.

Phiri said they had believed that the police would protect them not knowing that the police had connived with the DPP supporters.

“The first ones to run away from the stones were the police themselves, people who we had believed were going to keep peace and came to protect the people that came to demonstrate were the first ones to run away. We believe they faked their presence to protect the demonstrators when in actual fact, they connived with the cadets that once they start throwing stones then the police should be on their heels,” said Phiri.

HRDC has said it will still deliver its petition to the authorities despite being disturbed by DPP supporters.

“Since we still have the delegates in the country we are still going to deliver our petition to them. It may not necessarily be through a demonstration but we have made contacts with some of the delegates attending the conference. So this petition is going to land in the hands of the chairperson,” said Phiri.

HRDC has been conducting the Anti- Jane Ansah demonstrations since May 21 Elections to force her out of office arguing the MEC chair mismanaged the Elections.


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