In Kisii, Kenya,Six Arundo Secondary School students over the weekend sustained minor injuries following a lightning strike at their institution.

Area Assistant Chief Joseph Nyamanga confirmed that the six were inside a classroom as it was raining outside and that is when it struck.

He added that the school’s transformer was also destroyed in the ordeal.

According to the sub location’s administrator, the victims — four form four students and two form three students — were rushed to Rongo Sub-county hospital where they were treated and later discharged.

Nyamanga further appealed to the local leaders to join forces with the school to be able to purchase lightning arresters to prevent such occurrences in future.

Recently, Precious Talent Academy in Dagoretti had a classroom collapse leading to the demise of eight pupils.

Education CS Prof George Magoha ordered the closure of four schools that did not meet required standards adding that operations to find similar schools are ongoing.

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