A DAD fathered “at least” six children with one of his own daughters and then raped one the girls she had given birth to, a court heard.

The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his alleged victims, raped and sexually abused two of his own children, the court was told.

He is said to have groomed his children into performing sexual acts with him by “brainwashing” them.

The man, from South West Wales, is accused of creating a “false world” – including pretending to be mystic to manipulate his alleged victims.

Opening the case, John Hipkin told the jury the defendant “systematically controlled, groomed, and brainwashed” his victims “so their will was completely over-ridden by him”.

He said the defendant used his control over his daughters for his own sexual gratification and “did what he wanted with them”.

Mr Hipkin added there were even elements of “witchcraft and mysticism” to the control with the defendant creating a “false mystic”.

As well as raping his alleged victims himself he arranged for other men to rape them, the jury was told.

The prosecutor told the jury they would hear DNA evidence which proved the man in the dock had fathered “at least six” children with one of his daughters, with the girl being under 16 when she first fell pregnant by her father.

He said: “Their [the victims] will has been over-ridden and any apparent consent is not real consent but mere acquiescence to the false world he created.”

The man denies 36 counts of rape, including one of procuring rape, and a count of assault by penetration.

His trial at Swansea Crown Court is expected to last three weeks.

Credit: The Sun.

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